Sunday, May 18, 2008

Metal Detecting - Sherwood State Primary School in the 70's

My first recollection of metal detecting was when I was about 10 or 11. This must have been in the late 70's when our family use to live across the road from Sherwood State Primary School in Brisbane.

Sherwood State Primary was opened in 1867 and is one of the oldest schools in Brisbane.

I can't remember the gentleman's name or what detector he was using (White's keeps jumping into my head) or whether I was helpful or more of a hindrance. He was there everyday for about a week and from memory found over 1000 coins (both pre-decimal and decimal).

Unfortunately, about 10 years later, they brought in a lot of landfill to even up the playing fields.

I can still remember the detecting quite vividly and it has remained with me for 30 years. Wouldn't it be nice if that gentleman just happened to read this blog.

1 comment:

Steve said...

'm pretty sure it was a Garret.